For over 35 years, the St. Mary’s Classic Golf Tournament has helped raise money to support capital improvement projects for the school. Teams that have attended in the past include corporate sponsors, local businesses, and St Mary's Church and School families. Player's participate in a fun round of golf (with captain's choice/best ball format), receive beverages, breakfast, lunch, and gourmet fare at Awards Ceremony, players gifts, eligibility to win prizes, and more!


Sponsorship packages include brand-name clubs, golf balls and other equipment, gifts, and eligibility to win prizes at the tournament. Sponsorship opportunity for 2025 can be found HERE.

For more information on this year's Classic or to purchase a sponsorship package, please contact the Chair of the St Mary's Classic and Gala.


Thank you to all those families, companies, and local businesses who have supported St Mary's in her mission throughout the years.