The Saint Mary's Catholic School Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) serves to foster unity and support for families within the school. PTO Leadership works closely with the Principal and faculty, serving as a channel for communication between home and school. All parents/guardians of currently enrolled students are considered members of the St Mary's Parent-Teacher Organization and are encouraged to participate in PTO-sponsored activities and projects.
The St Mary’s Catholic School Parent-Teacher Organization seeks to foster unity and support between families and teachers within the school.
The St Mary’s PTO organizes, hosts, and/or sponsors fundraising activities for the benefit of the school, for the enjoyment of its students, and to foster fellowship among our families including the following yearly events:
- Open House
- Trunk-or-Treat
- Christmas Movie Night
- Catholic Schools Week Activities
- Spring Fling
- Father Daughter Dance
- ....and more!

The PTO supports our teachers by providing classroom discretionary funds, and by purchasing appreciation gifts for the faculty and staff (Birthday, Christmas, Appreciation Day, and end-of-year). Additionally, the PTO organizes and executes events to benefit the school and its families including the Ducks Dresser used uniform sale.
The PTO designs and organizes the sale of approved Spirit Wear to promote school spirit and provides volunteer services for the school by organizing the network of homeroom parents and school volunteers.
The PTO strives to strengthen the St Mary's school community. In order to be successful, all school parents/guardians are encouraged to share their ideas and opinions throughout the year.